Further Readings

Alter, J. (1993). “The body of one color: Indian wrestling, the Indian state, and utopian somatics.” Cultural Anthropology 8(1): 49-72.

Alter, J. (2004). Yoga in Modern India: The Body between Science and Philosophy. Princeton University Press.

Andreasson, J. and T. Johansson (2013). “Female fitness in the blogosphere: gender, health and the body.” SAGE Open: 1-10.

Andreasson, J. and T. Johansson (2014). “The fitness revolution. Historical transformations in the global gym and fitness culture.” Sport Science Review XXIII(3-4): 91-112.

Andreasson, J. and T. Johansson (2014). The Global Gym. Gender, Health and Pedagogies. Palgrave Macmillan.

Archetti, E. (1999). Masculinities: Football, Polo and the Tango in Argentina. Berg.

Besnier, N., S. Brownell and T. Carter (2018). The Anthropology of Sport. Bodies, Borders, Biopolitics. University of California Press.

Brewis, A. A., A. Wutich, A. Falletta-Cowden and I. Rodriguez-Soto (2011). “Body norms and fat stigma in global perspective ” Current Anthropology 52(2): 269-276.

Carsten, J. (2011). “Substance and relationality: blood in contexts.” Annual Review of Anthropology 40: 19-35.

Chalfin, B. (2014). “Public things, excremental politics, and the infrastructure of bare life in Ghana’s city of Tema.” American Ethnologist 41(1): 92-109.

Classen, C., D. Howes and A. Synnott (2002). Aroma: The cultural history of smell. Routledge.

Colls, R. (2007). “Materialising bodily matter: intra-action and the embodiment of ‘fat’.” Geforum 38(2): 353-365.

Dahl, B. (2014). ““Too fat to be an orphan”: the moral semiotics of food aid in Botswana.” Cultural Anthropology 29(4): 626-647.

Dawson, M. C. (2017). “CrossFit: fitness cult or the reinventive institution?” International Review for the Sociology of Sprt 52(3): 361-379.

Domingos, N. (2011). “Urban football narratives and the colonial process in Lourenço Marques.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 28(15): 2159-2175.

Dyck, N. and E. Archetti, Eds. (2003). Sport, Dance and Embodied Identities. Berg.

Forth, C. E. (2013). “The qualities of fat: bodies, history and materiality.” Journal of Material Culture 18(2): 135-154.

Gremillion, H. (2005). “The cultural politics of body size.” Annual Review of Anthropology 34: 13-32.

Klein, A. (1993). Little Big Men: Bodybuilding subculture and gender construction. State University of New York Press.

Maguire, J. S. (2007). Fit for consumption: Sociology and the business of fitness. Routledge.

Martin, P. M. (1995). Leisure and Society in Colonial Brazzaville. Cambridge University Press.

Masquelier, A. (2005). Dirt, undress and difference: an introduction. Dirt, Undress and Difference. Critical Perspectives on the Body’s Surface. A. Masquelier. Indiana University Press: 1-33.

Mauss, M. (1968 [1934]). Techniques of the body. Sociologie et Anthropologie. M. Mauss. Presses Universitaires de France: 364-386.

McKay, R. (2017). Medicine in the Meantime: The Work of Care in Mozambique. Duke University Press.

Melber, H., Ed. (2016). The Rise of Africa’s Middle Class. Zed Books.

Merleau-Ponty, M. (2012). Phenomenology of Perception. Routledge.

Peano, I. (2008). “Wrestling masculinities: metaphors of purity and metonymical bodies in Senegalese arenas.” Cambridge Anthropology 27(2): 36-56.

Pfeiffer, J. and M. Nichter (2008). “What can critical medical anthropology contribute to global health?” Medical anthropology quarterly 22(4): 410-415.

Phipps, A. (2014). The politics of the body: Gender in a neoliberal and neoconservative age. John Wiley & Sons.

Popenoe, R. (2012). Feeding Desire: Fatness, Beauty and Sexuality among a Saharan People. Routledge.

Ranger, T. (1987). Pugilism and pathology: African boxing and the black urban experience in Southern Rhodesia. Sport in Africa. W. Baker and J. Mangan. Holmes and Meier: 196-213.

Robins, S. (2014). “The 2011 toilet wars in South Africa: Justice and transition between the exceptional and the everyday after apartheid.” Development and Change 45(3): 479-501.

Sassatelli, R. (2014). Fitness Culture. Gyms and the Commercialisation of Discipline and Fun. Palgrave Macmillan.

Shehu, J. (2010). Gender, Sport and Development in Africa. Codesria.

Spielvogel, L. (2003). Working out in Japan: shaping the female body in Tokyo fitness clubs. Duke University Press.

Ulijaszek, S. J. and H. Lofink (2006). “Obesity in biocultural perspective.” Annual Review of Anthropology 35: 337-360.

Wacquant, L. (2004). Body and Soul: Ethnographic Notebooks of an Apprentice-Boxer. Oxford University Press.